
This documentation details our API, providing an overview of the available schemas, queries, mutations and subscriptions. It provides developers with the resources they need to efficiently integrate our financing solution into their platforms, using the flexibility and power of GraphQL.


Our API offers two environments: Production and Staging. Both environments are identical in every aspect, from available schemas and mutations to queries and subscriptions. The Staging environment is designed for testing and development, enabling developers to experiment and validate integrations before going live. Conversely, the Production environment is intended for live operations, providing the reliability and stability needed for your financing solution's integration. Utilizing these environments helps ensure a smooth transition from development to production, ensuring a high-quality user experience.

Production Environment

The Production environment is where your application will interact with live data and serve your end users. It is optimized for performance and security, ensuring that your integrations are reliable and efficient.

Staging Environment

The Staging environment provides a mirror of the Production setup, allowing for thorough testing and validation of your application's behavior in a controlled setting. This is crucial for identifying and addressing potential issues before they affect your live operations.

At present, the documentation is still under construction. If you would like to become a partner, please write to us at

Last updated