
Webhooks let you catch events in real time, so you can pass on changes to your system, send emails, or whatever.

Webhooks are sent by POST request on a single url.

Retry policy

If we fail to send a post request to your server, we try again 15 minutes later, then 30, then 1 hour later.

Contract Signed

This webhook alerts you when a contract is signed.



event - The event name for the received webhook. contractSigned in this case.

userId - The user concerned by the pushed webhook.

contractId - The signed Contract

BankingInformation Changed

This webhook is very useful for tracking the progress of salesperson onboarding. Every time a progress or modification is made, this webhook is sent.



event - The event name for the received webhook. bankingInformationChanged in this case.

userId - The user concerned by the pushed webhook.

bankingInformation - The new seller's Banking Information

Payout Created

This webhook is sent when the payment is ready to be triggered. It is always sent after successful data synchronization.



event - The event name for the received webhook. payoutCreated in this case

userId - The user concerned by the pushed webhook

payout - The Payout available for sending

Payout Upated

Triggered each time a change is made to a payout (dispatch, dispatch failure, etc.).



event - The event name for the received webhook. payoutUpdated in this case

userId - The user concerned by the pushed webhook

payout - The Payout available for sending

Overpayment Detected

Each time a marketplace payment is received, if an overpayment is detected, this webhook is triggered.



event- The event name for the received webhook. overpaymentDetected in this case

userId - The user concerned by the event


  • overpaymentAmount - The amount of overpayment

  • claimUrl - Redirect URL to trigger instant payment of overpayment

Last updated