Get Seller Basis Information

The seller access point is an essential part of our API, providing access to all information relating to a seller in a single, simplified query.

It is designed to retrieve data in a variety of key areas, including basic seller information that covers fundamental details about the seller, basic company information that provides an overview of the seller's business entity, and banking information that describes the seller's financial conduits. In addition, this access point provides current payment information to understand the seller's financial transactions, active financing information to learn about current financial commitments, and seller preferences to tailor the user experience accordingly.

Thanks to this access point, a wealth of information essential for operations, financial planning and personalized service offers can be retrieved.

sellerThroughPartnership Query


No variable required


user - Users

company - Companies

bankingInformation - Banking Information

currentPayout - Payout

activeFinancing - Financing

preferences - Preference


No expected error


This endpoint is guarded by Seller Authentication. See Authenticate as Seller

Last updated