Register and score

Registration also constitutes acceptance of our GTC. After registration, Unlimitd can access the customer's data at the partner's site. This access is used to score the customer's order history. In the absence of data, the customer will always be rejected for scoring.

registerThroughPartnership Mutation


user* - Seller's information

  • firstname

  • lastname

  • email

  • phone


  • identificationNumber* - The European business identification number

preferences - Seller's preferences

  • hasEmailNotifications - Default to false

  • isAuto - Default to true


user - Users

company - Companies

isEligible - true if eligible for accelerated payout, false otherwise


400 SELLER_ALREADY_EXISTS - A seller already exists with provided information

400 COMPANY_ALREADY_EXISTS - A company already exists with provided identification number


This endpoint is guarded by Partner Authentication. See Authenticate as Partner

Last updated