Seller Emails

Emails are sent to the seller from our system following various events. Here is an exhaustive list of events sent by the platform.

Notification emails can be disabled in the seller's preferences. See Update Seller Preferences.

Payout triggered

Each time a payment is sent to the seller, an email is sent to him, detailing the conditions under which the amount received was calculated.

Marketplace payment received

Each time a payment is received from the marketplace to the account opened in the seller's name, a notification email is sent.

In the event of overpayment, a second email is triggered.


In the event of overpayment, the seller is notified by email of the amount of the overpayment. Using an action button integrated into the email, they can request the money back, via an instant transfer.

Payout available

Only available for non automated payouts.

Each time a data synchronization is completed, and a payout amount is available, an email is sent to the user indicating this amount.

A button integrated into the email triggers the payment.

If you want to integrate the notifications yourself, you'll need to implement the Webhooks, and manage the email dispatch.

Last updated